

Rev. Ethan Brown, Pastor

500 Seventh St.
Winnsboro, SC 29180

803 635-3228
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Online giving: Give

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Ethan Brown, Pastor

In a world that is often cold and impersonal, we all need a place where we can belong. That's why a church home is so important.

At Stephen Greene Baptist Church, we believe the church is a family--a family that cares for its members.

We also believe that the church exists to bring others into God's family. So we work hard to reach out to our community by sharing the good news of Christ with our neighors.

If you live in our area and you're thinking about finding a church home, we invite you to visit Stephen Greene Baptist and see what God is doing in our family of faith. We'll be glad to help you find a place where you can belong.


 New!! Online giving: Give



Pastor Ethan Brown and wife, Charron






Vacation Bible School